Special Edited Collections
Today our Chief Editor, Dr Mike Sutton, Reader in Criminology at Nottingham Trent University, met with Dato' HJ. Azam Bin Baki, Chief Commissioner (Operations) of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) at Nottingham Trent University.

They can be seen here discussing how practitioners and academics can work together to disseminate expert peer-reviewed knowledge about detecting and reducing corruption.
As our earlier blog post revealed (here), Dato' Haji Azam Bin
Baki is working with Nottingham Trent's Principal Lecturer, External Engagement (International), Dr Kassim Noor Mohamed to commission and co-edit a series of articles for a special peer reviewed IJC edited collection entitled: 'International Perspectives on Corruption: Trends, Issues and Enforcement.'

Dato' Haji Azam Bin Baki and one of his colleagues discussing the problem of corruption and how to detect and reduce it, and then share best evidence-led practice, with Dr Mike Sutton, Dr Jason Pandya-Wood.
Postscript 23.March 2017 The following week the meeting at NTU was reported by MAAC's in-house news journal.